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The payment process is also listed in each casting call.  Each model must check that they read the payment process in order to get the audition info.  All Around Talent may at any time revise these Terms of Use by updating this contract/agreement. You are bound by any such revisions and should therefore print this page at sign up, and periodically visit this page prior to any job undertaking to review the most updated terms and conditions. The number of days each client is expected to pay All Around Talent is listed in your payment process.  It ranges from  15 to 45 days depending on the client. Don't forget to add a few days for us to process it and  a few more for it to reach you in the mail.  All rates stated are non-negotiable and models are paid as contractors. Models will not be paid if they do not complete the job. Fees offered to talent will always be clearly stated in the breakdown. Models that do not agree to our rates should not fill out a job agreement. Our clients rarely pay early.  Please plan your finances accordingly. All payments are mailed to the address you put on your W9 form.  We will not contact you to let you know that we are going to send payment out; it will just come. If you need to we suggest you count the days and mark it down so you remember.


JOB COMPLETION -Models and talent will not be paid if they do not complete their job in its entirety. For example, if a model attends a prep day and then is a no show to the event day; no compensation will be paid for the prep day. Models and talent that arrive significantly late to a job can be turned away without pay to the clients discretion.  Payments may be decreased should a late model continue to work a job at the clients discretion. Models and talent under the influence of drugs or alcohol may be asked to leave a job without pay at the clients discretion. Models and talent that are causing a dramatic disctration to an event may be asked to leave without pay at the clients discretion. All Around Talent may be asked to relay this information, but holds no responsibility for these decisions. These decisions rest solely in the hands of the client. Its in the best interest of All Around Talent for models to complete their jobs and receive full payment. Less payment for talent equals less payment for All Around Talent. 

CAN I LEAVE THE JOB IF I BOOK TO GO TO AN ANOTHER AUDITION REALLY QUICK?  No sorry. We get this question a lot You may NOT "sneak out" (IF YOU BOOK) while working to go to another casting? No payment will be made if this occurs.



CHANGES OF SCHEDULE    Occasionally a client may change their schedule and no longer need you for the job.  If this occurs All Around Talent is not accountable for lost time, wages or garnishes that may affect you due to cancellation.  Don't forget it's our loss too. Changes of schedule due happen, but not frequently. Changes caused by natural disaster, terrorism, pandemics, or other large scale public causes for cancellation will incur no cancellation fee.  The changes are not in our control. Sometimes the changes are for the better. Its always in our best interest to book talent as much as possible.  Clients are still billed and models are still paid if a model goes to a job and is not used due to reasons that the talent are not accountable for. Hourly jobs are obviously paid by the hour. Flat rate jobs are paid by the job and/or the day unless otherwise stated, not the hour. For example hair model jobs are flat rate jobs. Hours vary on flat rate jobs. Hours are subject to change on any job, for better or worse. A majority of the time the hours provided will stay the same. If talent work more than 3 hours than expected, they should notify All Around Talent so that we can request an increase in pay. It is important to note the client is not obligated to accept our request.  This is a scenario that rarely occurs. Should a cancellation fee be served it will be split with the model. This only occurs in applicable scenarios which cancellations occur in 24 hours or less. 


CHANGES OF TERMS All Around Talent reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the Terms under which our services are offered. The most current version of the Terms will supersede all previous versions. All Around Talent encourages you to periodically review the Terms & Conditions on this webpage to stay informed of our updates.

Occasionally, a client will attempt to renegotiate the terms of the deal (different start/stop times, different pay rates, additional usage of the pictures) either at the audition or unfortunately even the job. You should immediately call us in this scenario 818.470.1911. Its your money and you want a professional from All Around Talent to make sure its done right.


Some clients may attempt to book you directly, without All Around Talent which is unethical and is a breach of agreement. If this scenario occurs politely decline and report the matter to your talent broker from  All Around Talent as soon as you can. Talent who accept such offers may get one small job.  This is a breach of agreement. As previously stated, if we introduced you to a client, you should notify us for all future bookings with that particular client.


TIMING OF PAYMENT - All payment rates are clearly stated on our registration page. Once we receive payment  which is generally 15 to 50 days (time depends on the brand), it usually takes us about 2 additional days to process it.  Then you have to allow time for your payment to be received via the mail. Therefore you will need to add 4 to 7 days (depending on where you live) to receive it in the mail. Contact you local post office if you have questions about how long the mail takes.  Please do not be scared to use your calendars; many of you don't before you call/email and should. We do not actually mail the checks ourselves.  The bank mails them to you on our behalf, so they do not literally come from our office.   If payment is late due to reasons which are at  the fault of the clients, banks, or talent form error, then we will not do any alternate forms of payment as this is no fault of our own.  At this time we do NOT wire money to models accounts for direct deposit. 

TRANSPORTATION & LODGING  -     All Around Talent does not cover transportation to auditions or to jobs even if there is a timing error by the client or All Around Talent. All Around Talent does not cover parking. All Around Talent does not cover lodging.  

HOWEVER, there are many situatioins that the client will cover an expense or expenses on a booked model. This is to the discretion of the client, not All Around Talent.


LATE PAYMENTS FROM CLIENT - The majority of time our clients pay in the time frame they inform us they will pay.  Unfortunately on rare occasion they pay late for a variety of reasons. Keep in mind its not only your payment that is late; its ours too.  Obviously we will do everything in our power to obtain funds owed in this scenario.  All Around Talent does not pay talent late fees (unless paid by a client) nor will be held accountable for late payments or lack of payments from any client. All Around Talent is the talent broker and ultimately is not accountable for payments that have NOT been received from the client. Should a payment not be received from a client; All Around Talent will release all information and records of the client so a model may pursue their own money on their own if they choose. Clearly, All Around Talent is not paid until the client pays, therefore All Around Talent and talent have the same vested interest with models/talent. All Around Talent is accountable for all talent payments that have  actually been received in full from each client.  Payments not received from a client  may go to collections and if unsuccessful in collections, the invoice/payment may be  pursued with legal action if reasonable.  This has never occurred.  The legal process is a timely process that is a burden for all parties involved.  No payments will be made to talent until the funds are collected from the client.  We do not pay talent in advance. 


ADDRESSING AN ERROR OR LACK OF PAYMENT TIME RESTRICTION:  Checks not cashed within 3 months of the check issue date will require a $25.00 re-issue fee. Missing checks, payments, or any issues regarding payment will be dismissed if not addressed within 1 calendar year of the event.   IE. If you contact us on May 1st 2017 for the first time regarding a job you did April 31st of 2016 or before, we will not look into this matter and payment will not be issued.  


GENERAL AGREEMENT   We are not exclusive and work project to project with talent only. If you have an exclusive contract with an agent for events & promotions (most people do not), its your responsibility to pay them. We will send you the check.  We do not send it to third parties. We are not a classic agency. We do not sign talent. Our auditions are invite only.

All Around Talent reserves the right to remove talent from consideration without notification. 

A submission does not guarantee any form of booking or an invite to any given casting.

We send over a list of names of those we invited and our clients cross reference names and numbers.

Talent may not share audition info with other models or any form of talent booking company; it would simply lessen your chances of booking and put you in breach of this agreement.

 If your friends would like to be considered they must submit to . 

Every now and then the studio will call us up and say Jane Doe put down Independent and you have her on the list. Let this be fair warning,DO NOT be that person!! You will be charged  up to a 40% penalty fee if you sign in under another company or as independent.  Below is the schedule of penalty fees if you are found in breach of agreement. Don't get freaked out 99% of talent follow the basic directions and don't have to worry about this.

  • 1st offence - 20% and 3 month suspension

  • 2nd offence - 30% - 6 month suspension  

  • 3rd offense - 40% permanently revoked

Penalty fees will be automatically withdrawn from talent's pay or invoiced for if All Around Talent did not process the payroll. Penalty fees not paid will result in permanent termination.  Additionally fees will be sent to a collection agency if not paid in 6 months. Talent will be contacted 3 times prior to any penalty fee being sent to a collection agency. If you wish to appeal ,your appeal must be sent to with "APPEAL" in the subject line. Appeals will not be accepted from a 3rd party other than an practicing attorney whom has been properly retained at a verified law firm.


Talent are not permitted to work directly with the exact client/stylist on jobs of the same or similar capacity that pay over $100.00 for obvious reasons.  For example, if we send you to a Wella casting call you will need to continue to work with us on future Wella casting calls we present you with.   Basically, don't try to work behind the backs of All Around Talent or share this privileged information and you will be just fine. Those found in breach of this section of the agreement will also be assigned a penalty fee.

Frequently clients will call us requesting a booking (without even auditioning) for people they have seen in the past that we have sent. You will automatically be considered for all future projects that come through our office if you are receiving this invite. 

This agreement may not be revoked in order to work with another company booking for the exact same project or to attempt to work as an independent. This agreement may be updated at any time.  Models should check it frequently for any updates. 

IF you can't make the a model call time after confirming; its ok just send us a one line email to let us know.  Cancelling a model call does not release you from the job agreement for the job which you are confirming.

If you wish to appeal your penalty fee more easily, you may also do so by clicking here. This must be done within 7 days of the penalty being issued.


FUTURE WORK POLICY & BREACH OF AGREEMENT - As previously stated, models are absolutely prohibited from working directly with clients we introduce you to as a model in same or similar capacity.  Basically models are not permitted to work "behind our backs" with the very people we introduce you to.  This is common practice in our industry.  Those found in breach of agreement will be assigned 20% for a first offense, 30% for a second offense,  and 40% for your third and final offense.  Models will be permanently revoked after 3 offenses.  The percentage paid will be of your total wages for the job which you were in breach of.  . Should a model refuse to pay this penalty fee, the payment will be turned over to a collection agency and if need be an attorney will retained. Any fees incurred by All Around Talent due to a models breach of agreement will be the responsibility of the model.  When a model agrees to work with us for a job they agree to this policy.  The agreement cannot be revoked to work with another company for the exact same casting.


WHEN TO CALL or EMAIL - If its been 10 business days past the expected payment time.  Be sure to call us at 818.470.1911 to state that its been 10 business days past the expected time and you are not sure where your check is. We will try to look it up immediately! Be sure to include the time it takes to mail payment. PLEASE DO NOT CALL BEFORE THEN, IT WILL BE DISREGARDED!  Trust us when we say we wish they paid faster. REMEMBER, we don't get paid until you do. PLAN YOUR FINANCES appropriately.  Payments are not normally late and often come early. Remember we don't get paid until you do.



1. The number one reason models do not receive their payment on time is their failure to fill out a W9 form. 

2. The number two reason models receive their payment late is they did not inform us they booked, therefore we did not invoice for it. (This can cause major delays)

3. STAGE NAMES/DIFFERENT LAST NAMES - You use different names or have multiple last names..  Some people use stage names.  If you go by John Jake but your last name John Jake Yonion.  You need to let us know via email so we know how to locate your W9 form.

4. HUMAN ERROR - Nobody is perfect, not even All Around Talent or our clients.  We try our best to be. 

5. WRONG ADDRESS - Did you move?  Models tend to move a lot.  We do our best to keep up with you. If you move be sure to contact the post office and let them know of a change of address.  Keep in mind this will add up to two weeks for you to receive your mail.


LEGAL (including unemployment, 1099's, IRS)

All models are hired as independent contractors.  You are responsible for your own taxes.  You CANNOT claim unemployment with All Around Talent as you are not being hired as an employee.  If you earn over $600 you should receive a 1099 from us by 1/31 each year.  If you do not call us immediately at 818.470.1911.  If you do not earn over $600 you will NOT receive a W9 form from us.

All Around Talent is not responsible for any financial, mental or physical damages caused to you or by you while working as an independent contractor on the job or any future damages as a result of the job. All Around Talent is not accountable for mail fraud or stolen checks; however we will do what we can to assist with authorities and banks. All Around Talent is not a legal counsel and will not act as your legal counsel in any legal action against one of our clients for any reason. Talent whom decide to take suite against a client will do so at their own expense. However we will do everything in our power to retrieve all payments.   All talent will work on each job at their own risk.  If a client does not pay, All Around Talent will do everything in their ability to retain the funds including collections and legal actions if determined reasonable.  All Around Talent is not responsible to pay talent until payment has been received. In the very rare case a legal issue arises to receive funds from a client; payment could be delayed significantly.



All Around Talent is not responsible for any dissatisfaction caused by hair professionals to any model's hair.All Around Talent is not required to contact clients on your behalf in a situation that a clients have injured you, damaged your hair, promised prints, or images, products, parking, per diems or any other extras, not approved, or promised on an All Around Talent casting breakdown. All Around Talent is not responsible to act as your personal manager and solve client disputes. Any disputes between model, and client or changes of terms differing from the original casting notice must be addressed with All Around Talent at the time of the job, not after the job. All Around Talent will try its best to assist with any disagreements, but All Around Talent is a talent broker (aka casting company) which service is to provide approved talent job information, ensure payroll for payments that have been made & contracts. We will  pitch our talent the best we can to our clients.All Around Talent cannot guarantee a models books any audition. Auditions never cost to attend. All Around Talent is not responsible for our clients misconduct, and All Around Talent is not responsible for models misconduct. All Around Talent is not liable for any form of mental or physical injury to the model, including damage to a model's hair. Essentially, we are just your talent broker and payroll company for payments that are completed.



We have a checks and balances system on this. Our clients are supposed to report in who booked and ALL talent must report in that they booked. Typically if talent fails to report in the client catches it and if the client fails to report in the talent catches it.  On the rare occasion both fail to report in. All Around Talent will not be held accountable for the error by talent and by the client. Therefore failure to not report in can result in NO PAYMENT.  We always will do our best effort to get you paid as its our money we are missing too.  Models that do not report their booking promptly will receive their payment late.  If we have to make up a separate invoice just for 1 talent because you failed to follow directions by not reporting in, there will be an additional $25 fee deducted from your payment.  All jobs not reported in within 120 days will be discarded, so don't cheat yourself or All Around Talent please. Just let us know you booked by emailing, texting, or calling.  Emailing and texting are recommended so you have documentation.



1. Its never a good idea to contact our clients directly asking about payment.  Always direct your questions to us.  They will just be annoyed and tell you to ask us if you ask them.

2. Call and/or email All Around Talent asking where your payment is prior to the expected pay period. 

3. We do not need a reminder that your payment is almost due.

4. OVER TEXTING.  Please email us if you need to send a long message. Do not text us. Please don't forget to say your name when you are texting.  Don't forget we are a nationwide business.



1. We do not get paid until you do; therefore we assure you if a payment is late, we probably know because we want our money too. We all have bills to pay.

2. All models must be legal to work in the United States and have a SS# to work with us.

3. All models are hired as local hires.  This means no travel expenses are paid such as gas, parking, hotel, flight, etc.  Occasionally these things are paid for.  WHEN that is the case it will be shared on the modeling registration. If it is not, you can ALWAYS assume its a local hire job only.

4. We do not do skype interviews. If we are booking from photos it will be stated.

5. There are no other options for castings times.  The times are set. If you cannot make it, there is nothing we can do to change it.

6.  We do not release the location or the time of the casting unless you register for the casting.

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