*All Around Talent*
director@allaroundtalent.com- EMAIL
www.allaroundtalent.com or www.allaroundtalent.biz
818.470.1911 - PHONE 818.488.5179 - FAX
*GENERAL AGREEMENT:* This is an agreement between YOUR COMPANY and All Around Talent in regards to booking talent and talent payroll services provided by All Around Talent.. Details of each job will be provided by YOUR COMPANY in advance of talent booking via email, the terms of which which once accepted by All Around Talent will be made part of this agreement. If talent are not selected, no compensation is owed by either party. Its does not cost to hold a casting or view talent when booking from photos. In person casting calls are always encouraged when possible. For in person/live casting calls/model call/auditions a list of names will be provided by All Around Talent of invited and registered talent to a YOUR COMPANY representative. At live casting calls an YOUR COMPANY representative is responsible for reviewing the talent list provided by All Around Talent and notifying All Around Talent of the talent selected along with any pertinent details. All Around Talent does not pay for any related fees for castings. YOUR COMPANY is responsible for obtaining a casting location and any related costs. All Around Talent representatives will determine which talent are invited to the audition based on a talent breakdown provided by YOUR COMPANY. All Around Talent is not responsible for any costs of studio rental, parking for talent, or any other related fees. Our service is to provide clients with the requested talent and to perform payroll duties on behalf of the client to the talent.
COVID 19 ADDENDUM By completing this form your company and all 3rd party affiliates agree to release and hold harmless All Around Talent, SMMA, & My Work Corporation and its talent, contractors, employees, officers, and vendors from and against all claims for damages and liability resulting from exposure to disease-causing organisms, such as COVID-19, and contaminated objects, as well as personal contact associated.
MUTUAL NON DISPARAGEMENT AGREEMENT – All parties involved with this agreement shall not make any oral, video demonstrations, or written statements about the other party which is intended or reasonably likely to disparage the other party, or otherwise degrade the other party's reputation in social media, email, news outlets, business interaction, or legal community including all aspects of the telecommunications industry (public blogs, forums, or socials networks). This begins at the completion of this registration with no termination.. All parties or those whom parties are directly connected with and incited by, or a parties online alias to be found in breach of this agreement will be held legally accountable for defamation and/or slander. In summary, upon completing this agreement, all parties agree to not distribute any form of negative connotation via all capable means that would harm the rapport of either party in perpetuity.
NEW MEDIA/INTERNET - YOUR COMPANY agrees to hold harmless All Around Talent of any new media/internet content APPROVED by YOUR COMPANY that has any negative impact in any form. All Around Talent agrees not to release any video, still photography, or written content, unless it is APPROVED by your company first. Content will not be saved permanently and will be properly disposed of. Content will be considered property of your company until usage rights expire at which point YOUR COMPANY may renew or release their rights of the content.
*SHOOT DATE/TIME/LOCATION/USAGE:* to be provided prior by a YOUR COMPANY representative prior to each casting via email or fax if any still desires.
*RATES* will be provided via email for talent from a YOUR COMPANY representative at the time of each talent request. Each rate is at plus 20% casting fees . The total invoice will be the talent's rate which is determined by email, plus 20% unless clearly noted as it being a flat fee or agency fee included in the total rate.
*OTHER COMPANIES*: On rare occasion we have our unique competitors “acting” as talent in order to gain our clients information (at live castings only). We ask our clients to only consider talent from our company. If you are going to work with multiple companies for the same casting; its ok, (which is not necessary in any major cities), please just have a YOUR COMPANY representative notify your All Around Talent broker so we are aware we are not the exclusive talent booking company.
CONTACTING TALENT DIRECTLY - YOUR COMPANY may not contact talent directly until the talent has filled out a job agreement link with ALL AROUND TALENT. At that point All Around Talent will release talent information to you at which point you are free to communicate with talent at will. Job agreement links are not released to talent until terms are agreed upon by YOUR COMPANY and All Around Talent. ALL FUTURE job bookings must go through All Around Talent FIRST for talent whom All Around Talent is responsible for initially introducing YOUR COMPANY to. Booking talent directly without the consent of All Around Talent whom we are responsible for introducing YOUR COMPANY to will result in penalty fees of 20% to 40% of the models total rate at the discretion of All Around Talent. In other words if you take advantage of All Around Talent and work behind-our-backs its a breach of agreement.
USAGE - Usage of images of ALL talent must be agreed upon by YOUR COMPANY prior to any job. Internet and print usage usually requires additional compensation. Here is a link to review an outline of usage.
*TALENT BREAKDOWN:* A specific description of talent needs will provided in a talent breakdown. Please be as specific as possible as it becomes available. Please also provide time commitment, wardrobe needs, locations, hair changes, etc.
*TERMS & AGREEMENT* – This agreement only needs to be filled out once. Moving forward all terms approved by both parties via email for future castings will be deemed incorporated into this general agreement (GA)based on the terms set here. By signing this agreement, you agree not to share our talent's information and that you do not operate or work for a talent booking company of any kind including but not limited to agencies, talent management, online casting companies, etc. Your company will be paying ALL AROUND TALENT for the talent provided at the rates stated in email format by a YOUR COMPANY representative. Talent are accountable for their own actions while on the job. YOUR COMPANY representative is asked to verify each talent with a government issued ID. YOUR COMPANY will not hold All Around Talent accountable for any actions caused by talent or to talent which results in any physical, mental, financial, or emotional damages to any individual or property associated with this job including damages which occur as a result of the job in the future. YOUR COMPANY may take suit against any talent independently of All Around Talent on their own free will. Talent may take suite against your company on their free will. All Around Talent will not provide legal aid for either party. All Around Talent is not financially accountable for talent whom do not show up to the job, however All Around Talent will do its best to immediately find a replacement. All Around Talent is required to pay the talent upon receipt of paid invoice from YOUR COMPANY, and should indemnify YOUR COMPANY from any claims made by the talent that All Around Talent did not pay the talent after receiving payment from YOUR COMPANY Additionally, it should be acknowledged that neither the talent nor All Around Talent are deemed to be employees of YOUR COMPANY. YOUR COMPANY and its associates are not to book any talent for jobs of the same or similar capacity over $150.00 whom were originally presented by All Around Talent to YOUR COMPANY without permission from All Around Talent. YOUR COMPANY agree not to negotiate any contracts independent of All Around Talent with talent directly. Basically, you cannot work behind our backs with models whom you met as a result of All Around Talent's initial introduction regardless if you develop a personal, social media, or app relationship. Should this agreement be terminated; YOUR COMPANY may not work directly with models introduced by All Around Talent for a period of 1.5 years. Clients (YOUR COMPANY) must contact All Around Talent FIRST if they wish to re-book talent introduced by All Around Talent. Those wishing to use talent in the same or similar capacity for an extended period of time or full time position may want to consider a negotiated buyout. If YOUR COMPANY or related associates work direct with talent in the same or similar capacity without the consent of All Around Talent, there will be a penalty fee of 40% of the total talent’s wages required to be paid by your company to All Around Talent (My Work Corporation) within 30 days. This amount is in addition to the money owed to the talent. All Around Talent may send a representative to any job to verify bookings. By signing this agreement you are committing to pay All Around Talent for the talent/staff supplied and duties in which they perform for your company.
HAIR MODEL CASTINGS - Models will still be owed payment if a stylist working with YOUR COMPANY decides not to use talent because the desired outcome of the model's hair is not what they wanted to achieve or if the model's reaction to product is adverse.
REFERRALS: We pay for referrals. If a model or talent secured by All Around Talent refers another model or talent to YOUR COMPANY'S casting, the referred model will be billed through All Around Talent because that would not have been there otherwise. (updated 9/10/19) Clients can also get referral fees if they refer us to new clients. 10% of all profits will be paid for the life of the working relationship with the referred client. Referred clients must fill out our general agreement as all clients do. This could be a long lasting residual payment. Referrals must be sent in written notice via email for documentation purposes. Referrals are not retroactive.
UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT: Talent may be released for abuse of drugs, alcohol, or unprofessional conduct at YOUR COMPANY'S discretion. Payment will not be made from the point of release. Payment will be made for any work completed.
*CANCELLATIONS* Cancellations of talent/staff under 24 hours of the event day will require 100% payment of the first day of work whether it be a prep/rehearsal day or an event/shoot day. Payment for additional days if applicable are not owed. Models canceled upon arrival at the job will be paid 100% of the first work day. Cancellations caused by things beyond clients control do not require a payment for the first day such as weather, park closure, terrorist attack, or natural disaster. Talent whom are tardy of 1 hour or more, may also be dismissed without pay for that day or have pay prorated should they be permitted to stay. Talent whom did not confirm their booking (verbally or electronically) are not owed any cancellation fees.
DIGITAL CASTING RISK NOTIFICATION. Digital castings are more risky. Should YOUR COMPANY decide you don't like the talent you chose as a client once you see them on the first day of work, they will still be owed payment for that first day of work.
*PAYMENTS* Payments/invoices are due within 21 days of the receipt of the invoice. Invoices will be sent out upon event completion. There is a 10 day grace period. Payments that are paid or postmarked after 31 days will incur a 10% late fee of the total invoice for each 15 calendar days its late.