for September 23rd in NYC
DIRECTIONS (The form below must be completed to be paid)
1. Please READ all the info below.
2. Please be sure to complete and answer the questions at the bottom of this page, click CONTINUE, then CONFIRM.
3. Please also do not forget to fill out the W9 form if you have not already done so on a previous job. The directions are below.
These steps must be done to be paid!!!!! Be sure to do so prior to the event.
4. Go to the job and wait for the check in the mail.
QUESTIONS - casting@allaroundtalent.com
MODEL TYPE : hair model
OTHER INFO: Do not change your hair before this job.
Please remember to come with clean, dry hair (no products). Please wear all black with comfy black boots, or flats. You can wear a nice dress like you are going to a dinner, or black jeans and a tank top or shirt. If you don’t have all black, bring something as close as possible to all black. Options are always appreciated. Just make sure your outfit is presentable. Please come in photo ready makeup.
RATE: $270.00 TOTAL ($300.00 minus 10%)
USAGE - n/a
QUESTIONS: Contact your booking agent OR director@allaroundtalent.com or 818.470.1911 - Do not call the client unless its for logistical reasons!!
WORK DATES & CALL TIMES: Monday May 20th at 11:15 AM for 4 to 5 hours
ON SITE CONTACT: Tolu - 917.774.8660
WHAT: You will be working as a hair model. As a hair model you will sit or stand there while industry professionals discuss your hair and what they are doing or have already done to it. Its pretty easy. You basically get paid to have your hair done. Some scenarios will be in front of live audiences while others will only be in front of cameras.
COMMUNICATION: Please always communicate with the stylist prior to he or she starting on your hair just to re-verify you are on the same page to be safe. All Around Talent is not accountable for hair changes as we are just the broker and payroll company, not a stylist.
CONFIDENTIALITY: All information concerning this job is confidential and should not be discussed with the client or other talent. You are representing All Around Talent (All Around Talent). during the entire show/event. Please contact David if you have any concerns at the event at 818.470.1911. Please do not call to ask for work or to chat. We will send you casting notices every time they are in your area.
JOB AGREEMENT: You are being hired as a contractor and not an employee. As an contractor, All Around Talent cannot be held responsible for any financial, property, bodily harm including allergic reactions, or mental damages caused by you or to you while on the job or future consequences as a result of working the job. Talent should communicate clearly with their stylists at any talent show to avoid and allergic reactions of makeups, creams, or beauty products. Talent under the influence of narcotics or abusing alcohol on the job will be released without any pay. Additionally, contractors are not eligible for workers compensation or unemployment benefits. The above shows the agreed payment amount and that this is our client. Talent are not to book directly or independently for any future jobs without All Around Talent representing you with this exact client. This does not apply to other similar clients. It only applies to this exact client for talent related jobs!! Talent are not permitted to work directly or indirectly with our client that you have worked for via All Around Talent on jobs that pay over $100.00 for a period of 1.5 years. This includes but is not limited to connections made with our clients through social media. If you do work direct without the written permission of All Around Talent, there will be a 40% penalty fee required to be paid by you to All Around Talent . If the client contacts you directly about a job, it is your responsibility to notify us. This is in talent's best interest. Our clients hold the same responsibility. In general 99% percent of people never get a penalty fee. Talent agree not to hold All Around Talent for any harm caused by you or to you while on the job including but not limited to emotional distress, physical bodily harm, property damage, etc.
Most talent have a mainstream agent which we have no conflict with as we are not that.
By signing this page you are committing to be on time and reliable. Independent contractors found guilty of theft will be held fully accountable for missing product or money and the value may be deducted from pay. If you are late, you may be required to forfeit a percentage of your net pay to cover All Around Talent loss of revenue. Cancellations within 24 hours of the booking are not accepted without having a comparable replacement. Rates are non-negotiable. No shows or job walk outs on any job without proof of an emergency will result in immediate termination without pay. Cancellations or being released by the client are beyond the control of All Around Talent whom will not be held accountable for compensation of any kind that would have been made or costs incurred by talent to make schedule arrangements. No other fees or reimbursements are paid which are not listed in this agreement. If the client agrees to pay additional fees on site, please notify us immediately so we can be sure its on the invoice. All models agree to our terms and conditions as well as those which are summarized on the basics link. The BASICS LINK is a summary of our basic operation and includes the detailed process of payment.
CHANGE OF APPEARANCE & MISREPRESENTATION: If the photos you submitted dramatically do not look like you, you may be dismissed without pay at the discretion of the client, not All Around Talent. Remember, we do not want this. Our shared interest is for you to book. All Around Talent will not be held accountable for any expenses which talent may have incurred due to any job dismissal. Examples of change of appearance or misrepresentation maybe, but are not limited to the following: photos of you that are 5 years old, photos of you that do not demonstrate your current body physique, photos of you that do not accurately show your current hair, reporting that you are a size 2 when you are a size 8, saying you are 5'8 when you are 5'3, etc. We are not referring to small differences.
TIME SHEET: You are only required to have our time sheet completed for jobs paid by the hour. Jobs not paid by the hour do not require a timesheet. IE. Hair model jobs are NOT paid by the hour and therefore do NOT need a timesheet. Timesheets should be signed by the onsite manager or assistant manager. Time sheets need to be turned in no later than Monday each week to ensure prompt payment. You may have one of these filled out for your own records if you choose.
PAYMENT FORM: You only need to turn in a W9 form once, unless you move or change your name. We must have this in order to expedite your payment. Payments will not be made without a W9 form. They can be found at www.allaroundtalent.com by clicking the TALENT FORMS link.
IF you are a US Citizen, we will need a W9 per the agreement link IF your are actually booked.
If you are a Canadian Citizen, we will need your address and a copy of a government issued photo ID card that shows you are a Canadian citizen.
OTHER EXPENSES: No other expenses are covered by All Around Talent. More specifically parking, gas, wardrobe, etc. are not covered by All Around Talent. Occasionally clients will cover other expenses. IF THEY are covered, they will be next to the rate. We do not sell products or services (ie. headshots) of any kind. Anybody selling you anything at the job is not associated with All Around Talent. There are no other weird fees or charges. The rate is stated above and that is exactly that you make.
PAYMENT TIME - Our clients average 15 to 45 days to pay us. We turn payment around in 1 to 2 business days of receipt. Then you must allow 5 to 10 business days for it to hit your mailbox. If they pay sooner, we will pay you sooner. Please plan your finances accordingly. Payment is mailed in check format to the address on your W9 form. Payment is made in US dollars.
We suggest you print this page for your records. All models agree to our policies on this THIS LINK.
NOTE - Be sure to use the scroll bar to the RIGHT of the questions.